Monday 18 July 2016

Must Have Apps for Bloggers

I'll be honest I'm no blogging professional, however when I started I wish I knew about some of these apps. As someone who is always is on their phone, I tend to rely on these apps a lot so that I can continually grow and improve my blog. Ranging from social media to editing apps these are my must have apps for bloggers!

The main apps I absolutely couldn't live with out are my social media apps, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest are the main ones that I use to interact and promote my blog. Both Instagram and Twitter allow you to be signed in to multiple accounts at once which is a huge bonus for those who have a personal and blog/professional account.

When I first started blogging I only used my twitter account as it allowed me to share a url to a broad audience, and could also include hashtags and accounts that allowed me to reach an even wider range of readers. Hashtags that really helped me include; #bbloggers #fbloggers and also tagging blogger accounts like The Blogger Bees can also help you interact with a wider audience.

Next up, editing apps. I'm still fairly new to blogging so I still use my phone to take photos for my blog posts. This isn't a bad thing has smart phone cameras are actually quite a high quality already and can be even better if you know how to edit your photos. Camera+ is amazing when taking photos as it allows you to take macro photos and also has built in editing. I mainly use this for flatlays that I post on instagram as I can alter the brightness whilst taking the photo. Layout, is quite simple, I don't use it often although it's helpful for some instagram and twitter posts. 

Whiteagram is a simple editing app that I would recommend to beginners. I use it  to brighten and whiten my photos but you can also add frames and overlays. Finally Snapseed is hands down the best editing app I have used. It is what I use to brighten my photos now as I can enhance the exposure is certain areas instead of changing the whole photo.

Lastly, blogger related apps. Mainly Bloglovin, Blogger, Analytics and Buffer. Bloglovin' is a definite must have, I love how I can check all the blogs I love all in one place, it makes it so convenient. Blogger is good to have on my phone just in case I have a spark of creativity and have to write down any ideas. If you don't use Google Analytics, it's about time you do. I've only recently just gotten to fully understand it but you can find bloggers who have written about how to understand and interpret the analytics. Lastly, Buffer is an app you can use to schedule any social media posts and can provide some analytics related to those posts. I have the free version, however I'm almost ready to subscribe as it is so beneficial for my blog.

What apps do you think are a blogger must have? 
I'd love to know if you use others that I haven't listed here.

Pinterest: monniixx
Twitter: @monniiblogs
Instagram: @monniiblogs
Facebook: /makeupbymonnii

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