Monday 28 November 2016

10 Self Care Tips for Days You Don't Want to Leave Bed

Of course we all have days where we don't want to leave bed and we all have our own ways of dealing with those kind of days. These are my top 10 things I like to do, as part of my own self care, that help me get through the day with as little stress and anxiety as possible.

I hope this helps you all!

1. Having a shower

This is honestly my favourite thing to do of a morning. Whether I jump back into bed or not, this really makes me feel a little more motivated, plus who doesn't love a nice warm shower in the morning.

2. Washing my face

Okay, this sounds a little strange but I love the feeling of my face after it's been freshly washed and nice and clean.

3. Putting on fresh pyjamas

Changing out of my old pyjamas and into nice, clean pyjamas is amazing! And it's also good to change out of your old pyjamas and start fresh.

4. Watching Netflix

If you are going to spend the day in bed, at least do it with Netflix. Lately I've been re-watching How I Met Your Mother, but I've also been loving Black Mirror and Stranger Things. If you have any recommendations, let me know in the comments.

5. Making Hot Chocolate

I think this is the nicest way to calm down, and a warm hot chocolate is just so soothing. I love being under the blankets in bed with a nice cup of coffee or hot chocolate and watching Netflix.

6. A Bottle of Cold Water

This is probably the most important thing I like to do on these kind of days as it's important to keep yourself hydrated. I always have a bottle of cold water next to my bed and try to have 2-3 bottles a day, especially on days where I'm not feeling myself.

7. Have A Nap

Pretty self explanitory. Napping is great and more often than not, you wake up feeling a lot better. I love having my room super cold so that I can just get cosy and rug up and have a nice afternoon snooze!

8. Light a Candle

I have so many half burnt candles so when I'm spending a day by myself or in bed I just light them all. Even when I have a shower I have one lit in the bathroom, it's amazing how soothing some candles can be.

9. Social Media

I love just relaxing by scrolling through Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and even Facebook! I even skim over new blog posts or plan some of my own.

10. Have a Cry

Last, but not least, have a cry. Crying is not a bad thing, damn I enjoy having a good cry. Either in the shower, or in bed, even on the phone to a friend. It's an awesome way to just let go of things some times. I highly recommend this one!

Hopefully this gives you an idea on what to do when you are feeling down or kinda crappy, and if you have any other tips then feel free to leave them below or even link your own self care posts.

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